Robot Maintenance

for artificial turf pitches

The new AUTOGROOM automated artificial pitch maintenance robot is the ultimate way to preserve and protect your Gen2, 3G or 4G sports pitch – autonomously.

artificial pitch maintenance automation

Reduce time-consuming upkeep and increase pitch availability with this ingenious device

Groundskeeping is an essential but lengthy task that often places large demands on human resources that could be used elsewhere on more skilled work. At the same time, regularly looking after your artificial turf pitch is key to performance quality, consistency of bounce and grip.

AUTOGROOM provides the professional solution – brushing and grooming every inch of turf systematically. It competently and consistently performs its duty, helping to protect your warranty and maintain pitch standards, freeing you to turn your attention to other facilities or tasks.

artificial turf pitch robot maintenance

Artificial turf pitch maintenance made simple

AUTOGROOM is designed to make pitch maintenance easy without reducing standards and with all the positive benefits of regular brushing and grooming. The device is designed for heavy duty use and is suitable for:

  • Leisure facilities
  • Sports hubs
  • Independent schools
  • State schools
  • Sites with no grounds person, or a part time or voluntary team

It’s like having a tireless groundkeeper on your team.



automated processes

Automated processes

AUTOGROOM has been designed and built specifically for the task. Its powerful performance is driven by a long-life rechargeable battery that easily covers a standard size pitch on one charge.
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Power & Economy

The AUTOGROOM’S superior drive and battery technology means that operating costs are kept to a minimum whilst meeting environmental goals and sustainability targets.
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Technology & Efficiency

AUTOGROOM takes advantage of all the latest technology making it quick and convenient to operate.
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Safety & Security

AUTOGROOM has built-in safety and security features.
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Slatter Robot Maintenance
for artificial turf pitches

AUTOGROOM is available as part of a maintenance plan. 

Slatter Robot Maintenance - AUTOGROOM automated artificial pitch grooming